when shopping for cds I see a huge increase in price on import labels..never purchased or heard one..though I hear and like improvement in sacd and hdcd formats...are they wort the price?
You might want to listen, if you get the opportunity to hear first hand yourself. The SMH ARE clearly better, hands down, very obvious, but the real question is whether or not ONE is willing to pay the price.
I have many, many SHM CDs and have never paid anywhere near $84 for one. Just ordered a Platinum SHM CD (Aja) just to check it out and that was even less than $45.
Does anybody know the process the Japanese are using to make a SHM CD? By that I mean are they using original masters from the record labels; I know the CD itself is made of a different material, but how is the remastering being done?
There are a few Agon members who are buying them and have even made recommendations to me.(and they're all under $45)
Lowrider, I'm not sure SHM process involves remastering. The mastering version is something you need to pay attention to when purchasing SHMs. If you don't like the version I don't think SHM is going to help.
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