Where can good Nakamichi cassette service be had?

I'd be grateful to learn of people, especially in or near New Jersey, who are competent to work on a Nakamichi 1000ZXL cassette deck that will need both parts and other servicing. Someone independent of the company, but still good, might be less expensive, if any such exist. Thanks for your replies.
Tom, check out a place in Conn. called Electronics Service Labs, in Weathersfield. These people seem to have it together for Naks. Go to www.eslabs.com You may also like to see the www.naks.com/home.html this has lots of Nak stuff.
Thanks C123666, Weiserb and Maxgain! I knew I could count on the good Audiogon Forum participants. My question pertains to an "as is" 1000XZL I sold, and I've recommended to the buyer that he pursue all these leads. It's very nice that people are so willing to help with questions like mine.