Great Trumpet Players and Albums - recommendations
I'm looking for well recorded masterpiece of trumpet albums. Can you recommend a few players and their albums. I like the trumpet performance in "Hope" by Hugh Masekela.
I suppose Miles Davis' "Kind of Blue" is the gold standard. There are a lot of great Miles albums. Another one I would recommend is "In a Silent Way." If you enjoy both of those, you have a lot of fun exploring to do. "Love Songs" is a beautiful compilation to seek out.
If you want a well-recorded masterpiece and like big-band style trumpet, try Harry James, "The King James Version" (Sheffield Labs, 1976). Vinyl, of course. The album is recorded direct-to-disc, sounds fantastic, and captures Harry at his best.
Arturo Sandoval is of a higher calibur than Hugh. You'll enjoy lots. My favorite Miles album is Amandla which is not gold standard. What's not standard is usually great. Lately been diggin' onto Roy Hargrove performances. He's simply brilliant. Another cool modern trumpeteer is Nils Petter Molvaer and young fella from Germany Till Bronner(sorry I don't have double dot german o :)
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