Why aren't Rush fans more audiophile-natured?

As a member of more than a few Rush boards, and as a long term audiophile, I'm amazed that more Rush fans aren't dedicated audiophiles. Most seem content with the standard Pioneer/Kenwood/Crutchfield type of stuff and while there's nothing wrong with that, the band's music really comes alive in a good two channel set-up. Most times when I list my components, the vast majority of the board either has no idea or doesn't care.

This is true of the greater population in general, but any thoughts on why fans of one of the most musical rock bands ever would seem detached from hi-fidelity? I have some theories, but I want to hear from the audiophile community.
2112-3x platinum and Moving Pictures-4x platinum are the most "commercial" releases by Rush. There "keyboard" based recordings never went multi-platinum.
Clash's London Calling is undoubtedly audiophile worthy. So is their live album the name of which escapes me. Clash rules, of course. That goes without saying.
Moving Pictures "keyboard based?"

I mean yeah Geddy plays some keyboard but there is also more bass being played on that record. Just becuase there is some keyboard on a recording doesn't make it "keyboard based." By that argument one could say it is drum or guitar based. Or even instrument based!