Who believes that Robert Plant

Is THE BEST vocal in R&R?

Probably not, but he's certainly one of the better rock singers.

(I'd put him up there with the likes of McCartney, Morrison, Daltry, Cornell and a multitude of others. IMHO, being a good rock singer is very much a matter of taste, and there is no one BEST singer.)

My two cents worth.
Robert Plant was the second choice for the New Yardbirds and only got the job after Terry Reid turned it down. Reid was also offered the Deep Purple spot that eventually went to Ian Gillan.
Nice try! Hey he's good and all that but not "best," whatever the heck that is.
As evidenced by so many good answers, no on is best. I'd liked to mention a couple of guys with wide range: Arthur Brown and Captain Beefheart.