Well, worst of is really what this is about

Name a very overrated item -- whether a speaker, an amp, cable or treat Was it positively bad or just was it on a par with various items at much lower price points? I'm interested in both items that you could never get to work and, more interestingly, just bad items.
It's early in the morning here, but I doubt that I'll see a better post than Elizabeth's any time today. Thanks!

-- Al
The cork and rubber vibration pads that sell for 25.00 for 4. You can go to most any hardware store or order from the internet and get a slab thats 6" square of this stuff for around 5 bucks at most and cut it yourself.
J. Edgar Hoover to Shirley Temple: I don't go all the way.

Shirley Temple: I don't go all the way, either.
I see that most have responded to tweaks. I'll go in another direction. I have owned and listened to many, many pieces of audio gear in my room in the last few decades. The one piece of gear that stands out above all the rest as shockingly disappointing was a Mark Levinson No. 38S preamp.

I was stunned by how poorly it performed in my room. My wife, who rarely comments about changes I make in my system said "What happened? This sounds worse than my car radio!" LOL!! The gent I sold it to loved it....go figure. I suppose it is all about system synergy.