Entreq ground conditioners - what's the theory?

Entreq and other products boast conditioning the ground to help improve the sound. Being completely clueless about anything electrical, I am very curious what the theory is behind this product and technically how it can improve the quality of the power and thus the music. I am not looking to argue if these products do as they advertise. I just want to learn more about the idea.
Davehrab: good post. Glad to see someone with more ee experience chiming in. All extremely interesting and useful.
Ivan...thanks for taking the time to write this. So I have a friend getting a demo of the Entreq...he'll bring it by my home (might be 6-8 weeks)...only way is to try this...i'm sincerely curious...
Ivan thanks for the kind words but unfortunately I’m am not an EE or even a lab assistant ... as a matter of fact in high school I was so poor in math that I thought that Calculus was Julius Caesar's hair dresser
Davehrab: "... as a matter of fact in high school I was so poor in math that I thought that Calculus was Julius Caesar's hair dresser".

...wait...you mean he wasn't?!? :)

Jfrech: No sweat. Do give us an update at some point, I'm curious too. The 2 Maher products I have took about a month to fully come on song, BTW.
But, what I'm trying to get at here is that I think we're more or less on the verge of a paradigm shift and that "electrical noise reduction" represents the next step.

True, true. And it does seem like Alan is an innovator. The only issue for him is that "on the surface" his stuff appears a little woo-woo and flakey. Does his technology reduce domestic violence or engender peace?

I am personally glad that Alan and Entreq and Tripoint are getting people's attention. Its about time....