Help on Power conditioner

In my house the Power having a fluctuation and found voltage variation between day and night times. Here the voltage 230v and day time we are getting 210v and night time 220-230v.

I have pass lab xa.5 mono blocks hence I am worried about the safety. So, You all suggest me the best stabilizer or conditioner with surge production to buy.

One of my friend has informed me that Pass is not recommended any power stabilizer, conditioner or re generators. Is it correct ?

Any one using these kind of accessories for Pass lab products? How the performance
of the amps using these accessories?

I am expecting suggestions and advise from you all.

Thanks in advance.
Rabbani, it sounds like you have undervoltage problem. It should not destroy anything. If it doesn't affect the sound leave it alone. Still, voltage spike caused by lightning or nearby inductive loads (like motors) switching is always possible. I use Furman Elite 20PFI that has strong non-sacrificial over/undervoltage protection. It provides high peak current by employing big capacitor and big inductor that store energy. I cannot hear any difference in dynamics with my power amp. It also have separate outlet banks for low current audio and also for video. Those banks have strong filters that clean all the junk from the power line before it enters my system.
Rabbani, I had the same issues as you. Where I live in E london is semi industrial with motors and transformers in nearby plant, cellphone aerials and internet booster stations, and broadband on c24/7 in every apartment around me.
When I ran my Burmester conditioner, the realtime voltage readout never showed the correct 230v, no, it fluctuated btwn 210v-250v ie +/-15%, moment to moment. From what I gather the psus of delicate audio equipment can't cope with such swings.
When I decided to move to 4kVA balanced power I scrapped the Burmester, but for fun put it in series after the new transformer. The realtime voltage now never fluctuated more than 227v-233v ie +/-1.5%, and the system REALLY benefits. Balanced plus conditioner sounds no good, so getting rid of the conditioner totally, and relying on balanced is where I am at present.
It has been a total revelation, the improvements wrought by the Burmester maintained ie delicacy and detail, but with none of the disadvantages ie softened dynamics.
I'm using a cheap, industrial grade, non audiophile 4kVA unit sourced in Essex, England called Airlink, at 10% of the cost of my Burmester.