Buzz/hum through speakers

When I turn on my system, I get a buzz/hum through all the speakers. I have everything hooked through my Furman line conditioner. I have plugged my amp directly throught the wall outlet with only speakers attached to the amp and no noise. I have disconnected everything from the line conditioner one by one and only makes the noise when the pre and amp are turned on together. My dealer gave me something called Hum X and when I plugged the Furman into the Hum X, noise still there, it's only when I plug the Hum X to the back of the Furman and plug the amp into the Hum X, the noise is gone. Is there any way to get rid of the noise without using Hum X? If I can't get rid of the noise with Hum X, is Hum X holding back the full potential of the amp?
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Sorry Mental, I don't know what "ticked" means. The PS3 and Oppo is connected via HDMI, for 2 channel I have interconnects connected from the Oppo to pre to the CD section.
I replaced the pre with another AV7701, the hum is still there. I called Marantz and the support rep said, my amp is faulty. I asked, when I use my Oppo as the pre, how come the hum isnt there? The rep had no explanation. I went back to my store and asked if I could borrow a different pre, borrowed the AV8801. No noise what so ever from the speakers. Does this mean the AV7701 has a internal grounding issue? Thoughts? Thanks for all your help to everyone.