Lower Volume from One Monoblock

Technical question on Cary 500 monoblocks. One amp is noticeably lower in output volume than the other. My sound was off-centered, a good bit louder on the left. Swapping the monoblocks left to right the louder sound swapped too. The left channel is now lower in volume. Any ideas on what goes wrong with a monoblock to reduce the output. The amp plays, it is just lower in output than the other amp?
I did remove the cover and check the fuses...they were okay. I will just send them back to Cary (not too far from where I live) and let them check them out.
Well it turns out I couldn't close the possible deal on the Brystons...the seller refused to allow me to inspect them at his place prior to finalizing the deal...
.the seller refused to allow me to inspect them at his place prior to finalizing the deal...
Sounds like he made you an offer you couldn't ACCEPT ;-) IMO, looks like you dodged a bullet.