Kijanki, thanks for your response. Of course, the Paradigm Studios 60s and Signatures 8s are very different speakers at very different price points. Nevertheless, I think technical specs can only take one so far. There's the "X-Factor" that counts for a lot as to whether a speaker sounds fair, good or great.
Then of course there's the equipment, especially the amp. I noticed a major improvement in sound, particularly bass, when I sprung this year for the ARC Ref 150. I suspect the sonic presentation improved in large part because the Ref 150's DF is almost twice that of my previous amp, the ARC VS-115 (14 versus 7, respectively). In addition, the power supply in the Ref 150 is triple that of the VS-115 -- 1040 joules versus 335 joules, respectively. ARC's sales literature puffery that the Ref 150 "will dominate" one's speakers may not be total hyperbole.
Regards, Bruce
Then of course there's the equipment, especially the amp. I noticed a major improvement in sound, particularly bass, when I sprung this year for the ARC Ref 150. I suspect the sonic presentation improved in large part because the Ref 150's DF is almost twice that of my previous amp, the ARC VS-115 (14 versus 7, respectively). In addition, the power supply in the Ref 150 is triple that of the VS-115 -- 1040 joules versus 335 joules, respectively. ARC's sales literature puffery that the Ref 150 "will dominate" one's speakers may not be total hyperbole.
Regards, Bruce