Speaker and Amp dilemma

My system is probably considered fairly low budget to many of those who post here, but I have a dilemma matching my speakers to my amp. I got a really great price right here on A'gon on a pair of Legacy Focus 20/20s, giants of a pair of speakers! I have them in a 20ft by 16ft listening room, so they have room to breath, but my existing amp is an old Forte Model 3, rated at 200 into 8, and 400 into 4, or there about. And while it does drive these speakers to satisfying volumes, it just lacks the wow factor, the toe tap test, and seems like it is in need of more current. From reading the forum on the Legacy website, most people who love these speakers use more power, a lot using as much as 500 to 600 watts.

So here is my dilemma, should I invest in a larger amp? Or smaller speakers? I had a very life altering experience at the local salon many years back listening to a pair of Martin Logan Sequals, and they are very much in my price range used these days. I could sell the 20/20's and have way more than enough to purchase a nice set of Martin Logan's of their larger models, used of course. So if I keep my amp, and sell my speakers and buy the M-L's, I come out ahead, but if I sell my amp and buy a Classe CA-400, (or the likes) then I need to make a major investment on my fixed retirement income. I hate to make a bad decision here, I wish I could afford to do both, and then judge later which ones to sell, but that may take me a very long time to pull that off. Not to mention a new turntable is also high on my want list.

So I appeal to those more experienced than I, what advice can you offer this man of limited means? Sell my speakers to buy M-L's and use the amp I have for a while longer? Save up and buy a new amp to drive the speakers I have? Or wait until I save up enough to do both? Thank you for taking the time to read my post!
Thanks Yogiboy for giving the benefit of your experience! And thank you Nick Sr. For the interesting reading. I remember reading some similar calculations based on current requirements to reach certain SPL's at the seating position. It has been a long time ago, but as I recall it gave similar results. I have always thought watts were a poor measure of an amp, my hair dryer has 1500 watts, but cannot drive a speaker at all! Current on tap and slew rate are much more important numbers. And as far as that goes, neither of my choices of speakers claim a very great SPL rating. So, I could sell my Legacy's and buy the Martin Logan's and still have the same problem of not enough power. Thank you for the insight, it gives me much to think about.
Exactly my point, to illustrate how poor a choice wattage is for mesuring an amp's output. Why not BTU's? Just as bad. OK, maybe it's not a great analogy, but best I had on short notice. At least you're paying attention! Thank you for the corrections.