Are There Alternatives to the Marantz 10 B ?


I've been sinking my money (what little I have) into a DAC DSD upgrade and to pay for it, I decided to sell my Magnum Dynalab tuner. I liked the MD fm tuner but I wasn't ecstatic about it. For one thing, I was constantly wrestling with the dipole antenna to bring in the signal and that got rather inundating. The sound was really very good at certain times but rarely when a program came on that I had been waiting to hear.

So what I've been wondering is whether or not stereo fm tube tuners exist that offer a great audiophile sound but that don't receive the same level of attention as the Marantz 10 B? I suppose the hope is to find that 'build your own tuner kit' or advice on purchasing a particular tuner and how to modify it and all of this for a reasonable sum of money. And when it's all said and done, if I've still fallen short of my aim, then I'll get a job in the diamond mines and save until I've got enough for the Marantz 10 B.

Sounds like you may need a better antenna more than a top quality tuner. That said, though, you may find this thread to be of interest.

Among quite a few vintage tube tuners I have owned, including two Marantz 10B's and the comparably expensive REL Precedent I currently use (in conjunction with an H. H. Scott LM-35 multiplex adapter/stereo decoder), the best relatively inexpensive (I suspect <$500) tuner in my experience has been the combination of an H. H. Scott 310D tuner (mono in itself, but providing a multiplex output jack for connection to an external multiplex adapter/stereo decoder) with a Fisher MPX-100 or H. H. Scott LM-35 or 335 multiplex adapter.

Of course, condition is a HUGE variable when it comes to vintage tube tuners, and many specific models (including the ones I suggested) are likely to require a good deal of patience to find, especially in top condition.

-- Al
I agree with Al. No matter what tuner you get it will not change if you use the same dipole antenna.

I've been down the road with many vintage tuners and I got fed up with the problems of a 40 year plus tuner and the cost and time when something fails.

Now I have a Magnum MD-90 and enjoy it as much as anything else I have owned.So you should start out with a good antenna before you do anything else.
Thanks Al! Funny, I just saw this H. H. Scott 310D tuner on ebay a couple of weeks back. Anyhow as I'm in no hurry, I'll keep looking. Again much appreciated.
Yogiboy, I had the MD 90 with the MD ST-2 dipole antenna and it was sketchy regarding the signal. I could have purchased the signal sleuth but decided that I would like to try a tube tuner over the MD 90 and to then search around for an external antenna. The problem is that I live on the 1st floor of an apartment building so an external antenna could be tricky.
By the way, the REL Precedent has me fascinated. Isn't this tuner initially a mono tuner that can then be modified into stereo?
Goofyfoot, like many of the tube tuners that came a bit later (ca. 1960) the REL Precedent (ca. 1954) is mono in itself but provides a multiplex output jack which can be connected to an external multiplex adapter component. The combo comprises a stereo tuner. As you probably realize, the Scott 310D I mentioned is similar in that respect.

IME with the particular examples I've had, the Precedent + MPX-100 or LM-35 (I've had both) and the two 10B's were very similar in terms of weak signal reception capability, and significantly better in that respect than any other tuners I've ever had. In terms of sound quality, the Precedent + MPX-100 or LM-35 clearly bested both 10B's, although condition could certainly have been a factor in that.

BTW, when I said I suspected that the cost of a 310D + MPX-100 or LM35 or 335 would be less than $500, my guess is that the multiplex adapter would be about 60% of that total, and the tuner about 40%.

Good luck in your search! Regards,
-- Al