Are There Alternatives to the Marantz 10 B ?


I've been sinking my money (what little I have) into a DAC DSD upgrade and to pay for it, I decided to sell my Magnum Dynalab tuner. I liked the MD fm tuner but I wasn't ecstatic about it. For one thing, I was constantly wrestling with the dipole antenna to bring in the signal and that got rather inundating. The sound was really very good at certain times but rarely when a program came on that I had been waiting to hear.

So what I've been wondering is whether or not stereo fm tube tuners exist that offer a great audiophile sound but that don't receive the same level of attention as the Marantz 10 B? I suppose the hope is to find that 'build your own tuner kit' or advice on purchasing a particular tuner and how to modify it and all of this for a reasonable sum of money. And when it's all said and done, if I've still fallen short of my aim, then I'll get a job in the diamond mines and save until I've got enough for the Marantz 10 B.

Thanks Yogiboy. I can't help wondering however why the Scott 310 D mono tuner with Multipllex adapter would be preferable to a later Scott tuner either mono or stereo, or is i just based on the overall cost?
Ralph (Atmasphere), thanks for providing your always extremely knowlegeable inputs.
05-09-14: Goofyfoot
I can't help wondering however why the Scott 310 D mono tuner with Multipllex adapter would be preferable to a later Scott tuner either mono or stereo, or is i just based on the overall cost?
I believe the 310D was among the last and the best of the Scott mono tuners. Perhaps THE last and best. What I believe was its successor model, the 310E stereo tuner, is highly sought after and commands prices well upwards of $1K if in excellent condition. Among other stereo tuners, the 350 series is fairly popular, but I suspect it would be at least as costly as a 310D + MPX'er in similar condition.

So yes, cost is definitely a factor in what I've had to say, given your cost-related statements earlier in the thread, and given the MUCH lower selling prices that are typical of vintage mono tube tuners vs. their slightly later stereo counterparts.

-- Al
Thanks Al for clarifying that for me. Yes, financially at this point I would be starting from ground zero but it's good to know something about the market value and respective costs ahead of time.