Speaker hum problem - need help

I've searched the forums and have seen past posts for this topic, however, I've yet to find an answer that fits my situation.

First, here's my equipment:
Coda CSib integrated amp
Auraliti PK-90 USB server
Dynaudio Focus 380 speakers
Audience Au-24 speaker cables
Cardas Clear XLR interconnects
Cardas Clear & Grover Huffman power cords
Wireworld Platinum Starlight USB

Here's the problem:

With only the amp plugged into power and the speakers connected, I get a 38 db invariant hum coming out of the speakers. The hum does not change no matter what the volume is on the amp. The hum does not change regardless of whether I have the amp plugged into the: wall, a power strip, or a power conditioner. The hum does not change regardless of power cord connected to it. The hum does not change when I plug in the remainder of components and cords into my system.....it is invariant.

I have tried to "lift the ground" with a 3/2 cheater plug, but this had no impact. I sent the amp back to the factory to be checked out and slightly upgraded; they could not reproduce the hum at the factory. A previous amp (tube) produced the same issue, however, with the tube amp, the hum got worse as the volume was raised.

I love the overall sound of this system, but this hum is definitely getting in the way of my enjoyment. Any thoughts out there about what is causing this problem and how to correct this issue?

Many thanks,

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Here's another thought that happened to me several years ago that I almost forgot about. I had a similar problem and the cause was a loose ground wire in the main circuit panel.
Although it looked like all the ground wires were sercure, I traced the wiring for the outlet and where the ground wire was connected in the panel. Everything looked good but sure enough the group of ground wires needed to be repositioned and the screw bolt retightened. The hum stopped. You might want to check that out if the amp tests goos at another location.
LAK - very interesting possibility. There's been lots of work in our panel over the years. i will try to check it out!