Best of current 12ax7?

Any recommendations for the best readily available gold pin 12ax7's? Best in terms of sound quality, build quality and endurance.
I know most of the desirable NOS names but for this thread I'm thinking modern reasonably priced candidates.
Hi Rja

With a tube phono I really like the Sovtek 12AX7LPS tubes and the newer Mullard CV4004/12AX7 tubes.

With a Jolida Tube DAC 2 I really liked the Genelex Gold Lion 12AX7 tubes.

In my Jolida amp my favorites are the JJ 5751 tubes, and Ruby 12AX7AC7 HG+ aka TAD 7025-S and Preferred Series 7025.

Sorry if I'm confusing you. I enjoy all of these tubes and haven't had issues with SQ, build quality or endurance. A majority of these tubes were purchased via Doug's Tubes, Jim McShane and Upscale Audio. That may be why I haven't had any issues.
I've gotta agree with jedinite24 regarding the reissue Mullard and Gold Lion 12AX7's.
I'll second the Psvane TII's. The 12AX7's came very close sonically to my reference NOS Pope's, for a whole lot less money. They are not cheap compared to current 12AX7's, but they are less costly than many NOS tubes, and quite good.