Rockwell: audiophile term "just like a pedophile"

Hey guys. You should read this bigoted and ignorant caricature of audiophile stereotypes by camera reviewer Ken Rockwell. I have never seen anything like it. Just do a search under his name and the article "What is an Audiophile".

Coming from someone who spends his life detailing differences between camera lenses, is this also hypocritical?
The guy isn't very erudite. The word "pedophile" has no judgement infused into it whatsoever. To say that the word "pedophile" refers to something "unnatural" is silly. It's just a word; so it follows that neither does the word "audiophile" carry a negative element. You can trust me on this. I'm a linguaphile, you see!
The article wasn't funny because it wasn't very well written, yet audiophiles are an easy target for ridicule. Can you imagine the movie Christopher Guest would make about audiophiles? Furthermore, there is an element of fetish-like behavior in this hobby. How many times have you read here on Audiogon equipment being described as beloved?
My experience is that,for most of us, better (more lifelike) equipment and better recordings are simply about an improved ability to hear music we enjoy. It's just not complicated at all.

An lot of headphones/amps reviewed for someone who claims not to be an audiophile.

Following Mr. Rockwell's line of reasoning, like a pornographer, the word photographer indicates someone with an illicit involvement in images; fixation on cameras, not scenery. Ergo, Mr. Rockwell has an unhealthy relationship with cameras.

Never assume a musician has a clue about how to develop an audio system.

I don't see Mr. Rockwell buying once and using the same technology for decades.

What of the Mediaphile, who amasses a huge collection of media? Is this not also a materialistic preoccupation? Yet, somehow the notion is promoted that it is a more noble endeavor. Nonsense! It's no more or less a problem than someone who invests heavily into the system.

If he were to follow his advice he gives to audiophiles, perhaps Mr. Rockwell should have bought a black and white camera that used film from 40 years ago and use it for decades. Who needs digital? The mind can surely fill in the blanks. Surely the experience would be just as grand, and he could not be accused of being a photographer (you know, like pornographer)!

It seems he is blind to his own prejudice. :(