Transparent Power Isolator vs RGPC

AGon Comrades,

I'm torn. I'm torn because since adding TA Ref cabling to my system, my system has been transformed. And I'm not going back. I've even decided to swap out all my power cords for TA PCs. On the other handAnd even though I've happily lived with my RGPC 1200C in my system for some time, I wonder if the synergy between all the TA cabling and the TA Power Isolator would improve system performance. I've done as much research as I could about the TA Power Isolator, but there isn't much out there. Has anyone had any experience with these two? Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Maybe at some point I could audition the opus line. I keep hearing about the magnum opus line soon to be released to the US market. It's being touted as the SOTA. an't wait to see how it all pans out.
In just a few more days, the system will change yet again. The Richard Gray Power Company 1200C is SOLD. The 2 Analysis Plus Oval 2 Power Cords that fed the Lamm M1.2s are SOLD. The RGPC 1200C is being replaced with a Transparent Audio Power Isolator MM2 (with a Power Isolator 8 & another Power Isolator MM2) and 2 Transparent Audio PowerLink Super Power Cords. CAN'T WAIT!!
Very nice! Saint519-

do you have a local TA dealer/retailer? If so, give a shout-out to the shop that you are purchasing your gear.
Keep me posted and happy listening.

I don't have a local TA dealer I use. I wouldn't be able to afford this stuff if I bought retail. :)

In just a few more days, the system will change yet again. The Richard Gray Power Company 1200C is SOLD. The 2 Analysis Plus Oval 2 Power Cords that fed the Lamm M1.2s are SOLD. The RGPC 1200C is being replaced with a Transparent Audio Power Isolator MM2 (with a Power Isolator 8 & another Power Isolator MM2 to follow as funds permit) and 2 Transparent Audio PowerLink Super Power Cords. CAN'T WAIT!!