Stax ear phone pad

I just received a used pair of the SRM-006t and the inner foam piece behind the pads are "wrinkled". Sort of like a carpet that needs to be stretched. They were advertised as "perfect". Is this something I should be concerned about?
I doubt that is an issue, Mark. The foam is just there to protect the electrostatic element, and looks to be sonically transparent (at least on my older Lambda Pros). Also, a few years ago the foam on my Lambda Pros partially disintegrated (after about two decades), and I didn't notice any sonic difference as that occurred.

Eventually I replaced the pads and the foam together, with a replacement kit purchased from Audio Cubes II. In case it becomes relevant in the future, I believe (although I'm not totally certain) that the replacement pads they offer for your newly acquired SR-404 come with replacements for the foam as well, and both are installed simultaneously.

Best regards,
-- Al
Almarg is right, that foam piece is unnecessary and you can easily remove it without any problem. I'm sure you realize that the SRM-006T is the driver unit, not the phones. Don't let that loose foam bother you, just plug in the phones and congratulate yourself on your purchase. I predict that they will be with you for a very long time.
Tonykay, thanks for bringing that to my attention. The headphones are the SR-404's. I see I messed up the heading too, should have said foam, not pad.
Looking forward to setting this up and listening.