Concerns purchasing Vintage System?

I'm looking at purchasing a system from a widow that hasn't been played in 20 years. What should I look for? What should I be worried about? I'm a newby to hi fi of the price range.
Audio Research d250
Audio Research d90
Audio Research sp10
Oracle Delphi
McIntosh MR80
Tandberg 3014
La scala
Magnepan MGIII
1. Forget about vintage 20yo planars.
2. Most vintage turntables will need belt/motor inspected
3. For electronic components, if you've never held soldering iron and multi-meter, stick to new.
Just factor in any repair and or upgrade when making an offer. All above list are all from quality manufactures that are still around. I will bet the farm that her only priority is getting it out of the house. The best with the purchase.
What you're looking at is a MUSIC system, don't let it go!

Sure check to see that it wasn't in a damp basement for 20 years otherwise not much to worry about here.
I am no expert on electronics but I can think of 3 things you should do:
1. Take the grills off of the LaScalas and look for torn or decayed surrounds.
2. Get permission to pop the covers off the electronics and look for bulging or leaking capacitors that will have to be replaced. If there are none and you make a deal, proceed to step 3.
3. Bring the voltage up very gradually on electronics using a variac.