Better software for DSD

I have Audiovarna and when I try to play DSD files I get the music with hiss in the background. This does not happen with 24/192 files. I am using a Aesthetix Romulus player and an apple laptop computer via USB. Would JRiver or Pure Music work better?
Most DACs only support DOP on the USB input so it won't work over SPDIF. I think the PS Audio DS DAC might be one of the few to allow it.

I actually am not a fan of Pure Music anymore. Not when they charged 50 bucks for a bug fix to v2.0

A+ is still my preferred player. I am curious tho you always mention Audirvana. You do have Audirvana PLUS right?
I picked DSD over PCM Standard 1.0 as opposed to Automatic Detection. I don't see where you can pick DSD via DoP.
DOP is DSD over PCM :)

You can have a free trial demo of JRiver. See if that works for you.

I have never had any issues with DOP on any of my DACs which support DSD over PCM on USB on A+

You aren't going through an external USB-SPDIF converter, right?