Spatial Computer Velocity Bridge VB1

Just bought a pair for $200. The VB1 comes with a 30 day 100% satisfaction guarantee. Anyone have any experience with this tweak??
With this product being so new the jury hasn't even convened yet let along made a decision. I suppose their effectiveness will vary depending how severe high frequency ringing exists in a given speaker and the amount of RF/EMI in its environment. We all know how important impendence matching is at the source component level. Maybe this applies as well between speaker driver and speaker cable. There is a VB1 thread over on Audiocircle you will want to check out with more information.
Cdente, I'll check out the Audiocircle thread. Just to be clear, I'm not saying one way or the other whether the VB1 is helping. All I'm saying is that my rig sounds different. For all I know, it may be better. I'll be back.
Cdente, I really tried them. I find the sound harsh. I even tried the VB1s with the amp's 4 ohm taps which should have offset some of the brightness I reported above. Still harsh, even hurt my ears a little.

If I didn't know better, I thought I heard some type of sibilance or distortion coming off the right channel. But that's just me. I checked the amp's tubes and all is ok.

I sent an e mail to ARC to get the official reaction, which may be just be, "no opinion at all."

If there are any other ARC tube amp owners out there who have tried the VB1s, I'd sure like to read their comments.

And I will check Audiocircle as you suggest.

Thanks for the tip. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Wow. The exact polar opposite of my experience. Mine were somewhat dull sounding at the beginning and I'm using solid state amps. Clayton's new line of speakers have Beryllium drivers. You would think if there was a problem with these types of drivers it would have been flushed out early on. I'm not aware of any restrictions on use of the VB1's but that does not mean there are none.
Cdente, it could be a compatibility issue with my amp, which is a tube amp that uses output transformers. I really tried it out using different configurations. No luck. ARC has no opinion other than to say as a general matter that the less artifacts in the signal path the better.