Wow, hit a nerve? I am not trying to tell you what you want, I am trying to understand what "IT IS" that you want
with: "Soon all New Music will only be available as Music
Downloads"! It would appear that you desire a vacuum of any
other competing Audio Format, and the elimination of any
alternate purchasing choices that I might have. I am kind of surprised by this! You say that the Market will dictate
this regardless of what you desire. We call that a
"Monopoly" in a Capitalist Society "WHENEVER" a Manufacturer manipulates the Market towards a single
purchasing choice. You say that this is the way it is going to be. I say that it is very, very, very bad- and
requires immediate correction. Any Monopoly always turns out to be bad for the Consumer, even eventually bad for the
Manufacturer, and especially bad for the Market (This case:
Audio)! Economic History bears this out, it isn't even
close to being arguementative- from the Great Depression to
our current Recession. Monopolies collapse- and you want to put Computer Audio in the middle of this collapse? Well,
I guess that will leave us with "No Audio Format"! Thanks
alot for looking after us instead of your ego.