Proofreader wanted

Has anyone else noticed the erosion of literacy in today's magazines?
Two recent examples:
1. The January Sound&Vision is reviewing a new $8000 integrated from Yamaha.
The first sentence asks: "Are you drooling over those massive UV meters?"
(Don't they mean VU meters?)
2. Another review (can't remember the source) describes some speakers as
"immanently listenable". I think they meant "eminently listenable".

Personally, I find plagiarism (one symptom of the outright dishonesty in this industry as a whole) a far more egregious sin. Multiple episodes on this site, where the general forum had no issue with it, caused my participation and overall faith to plummet to almost nothing.

I agree on plagiarism and for me, this carries over to design, style and function. I've been tempted dozens to times to start a rant over stolen automobile styling. Certain automobile companies set high standards of style by spending money and putting in hard work, only to have knock off appear in as little as a year.

I think most people are unaware of this or don't care. For some reason it drives me crazy.
I agree with Rlwainwright, it is laid at the feet of our education systems. I hear kids trying to articulate the English language and it is sad as well as revealing. These kids today have little chance if their errors are not corrected. To quote Jaime Escalante (the teacher in Stand and Deliver) "it's not that they are stupid, they just don't know anything". Our education system along with many other areas of public supported agencies lack "acountability", and there begins the path of deterioration. The other "tool" of this demise of grammer, is the shortcuts kids are taught with texting, and as menioned above, keyboards in lieu of pen and paper. But, get used to it, I think this is as good as it will ever be from here forward. We are a dying generation of people that will ever know the difference.

I believe this all got started when every other automobile, SUV, etc. on the road sported a "Baby on board" placard.

The horror, the horror...

Replaced by "Baby I'm Bored" placard.

Another one I've not seen in years "Visualize Whirled Peas" always made me smile.
I was going go into rant about where this post is going but it will do NO good.
Ok,just a bitty rant.
Companies have a responsibility to make sure all is correct. But to bring every day people into this is irresponsible and just mean.
School BULLY comes to mind.
I know I spelled Okay wrong,BTW. Sorry BY THE WAY.
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