Any truth to keeping the retail prices the same ?

........does it make sonic sense to purchase equipment that is all in or around the same price range???? So, your amp costs $5,000 your pre-amp $6,000 and your speakers were also $6,000 and your front end was $5,0000... you get the picture. Is there any truth that this could help with the overall synergy of the system ????? Why I ask I have seen $15,000 speakers here driven with a good intergrated amp, but the retail of the intergrated amp was about $4,000. I don't know as that just does not seem to make any sense. Your thoughts
I know a fella that uses $20,000 speaker cables with $500 speakers and swears it sounds glorious. So no, you cannot make any rhyme or reason how anyone else chooses to slice up their pie. To each their own, what works for one may or may not work for someone else.
My sources, amp and pre are all similar in cost, speakers a bunch more. Sometimes you find components of mismatched cost that work great together depending on preferences and room. I know my Portal Panache sounded great when briefly used in main system replacing much more costly gear.
"01-20-14: Raks
My $15,000 MSRP Wilson Duette speakers are driven by my Theta Intrepid 5 channel amp that sells new for $1,700 and my system never sounded better."

Theta amps are very underrated. Are you using more than 2 channels? I don't recall any Wilson speakers that have more than 1 set of binging posts.
Zd542... It makes me feel better to think the Theta Intrepid might be underrated. I do use more than 2 channels for movies once or twice a week but the rest of the time it's 2 channel stereo. The only thing I don't like about the Intrepid is you can't turn off the surround channels when you listen to 2 channel stereo like you can with the Theta Dreadnaught.