Visa Tranaction Suspended for Unusual Activity

A Company that I ordered (phone call) a power cord from notified me that when they charged my Visa credit card, the charge was rejected. My Bank also notified me that the Visa card tranasaction was suspended because of "Unusual Credit Card Activity”.

The Bank said "We detected unusual activity on your credit card. For your protection, please verify this activity so you can continue making credit card transactions without interruption”.

I immediately called my Bank and approved the transaction. For security purposes, it seems, Visa suspends transactions from company’s that you have not purchased from before. I did not know this but I do support the policy. It is a good security protection from fraudulent uses.

I wish I had know above it before so I could call Visa to approve the purchase transaction before I made it.

Has anyone else experienced a transaction suspended for unusual credit card activity?
They likely were perplexed as to why anyone would buy a power cord for $6,000. It HAD to be a scam, right?
(joking - sorry, couldn't resist)

This happens periodically with my Discover card, not for purchases form new companies, but whenever I travel far from my home town. I appreciate their effort as it is easily resolved with a quick phone call.
I had this happen last year on Record Store Day. I hit several stores just hours apart and spent like $200-$300 in each store.

I got a text message asking me to approve the transactions or call my credit card company. Pretty cool if you ask me. I like to think that they have my best interests in mind.
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