Power Strips - Wiremold vs.Hammond vs BPT PPC

I’m upgrading the power strip and outlet for my system. FYI, my system consists of Audio Research CD-7, Ayre K-1XE pre amp and Pass Labs XA30.5 power amp.

I just want to get a power distribution strip from wall outlet without conditioning or regulating.

Based on my research on Audiogon, I’ve narrowed down to the subject 3 power strips. Wiremold L10320 and Hammond H1584H(hospital grade) are similarly priced at around $90 while BTP Pure Power Center (PPC) is at $300. BTP PPC is more sturdy and dedicated for audiophile but it’s a bulky strip of 18 inch long.

Any advantage of going for the BPT PPC (Pure Power Center) when either Wiremold or Hammond costs less than one-third the price?

BTW, I read here that BPT could modify its PPC to isolate an outlet for digital CD player only so that the noise from digital won’t go downstream when the pre-amp and power amp plug in the same power strip. Is this doable? How?

Also, between the Wiremold and Hammond, which has better built quality and performance? Wiremold used to be priced at $31 eight years ago and now for the same product it triples the price to $90. Is it a rip off? I cannot imagine the costs went up this much when Wiremold’s other models did not jump up this much in price.

Anyone has direct experience with all three in their system? Any other suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
I’m upgrading the power strip and outlet for my system. FYI, my system consists of Audio Research CD-7, Ayre K-1XE pre amp and Pass Labs XA30.5 power amp.

With your audio equipment, jmho, not the Wiremold L10320 or the Hammond H1584H.

The Wiremold L10320 uses cheap receptacles. Don't waste your money.

The build quality of the Hammond H1584H looks good. Hospital grade receptacles are a plus. The letdown to me is the steel, ferrous, duplex receptacles cover plate. Bad for sound.

The PPC - Pure Power Center series is way better. The
Wiremold or Hammond strips aren't even in the same ballpark with the BPT when it comes to parts quality and build quality.
Chayro and Jea48,

Thanks for your recommendations. I guess now I need to decide between the CablePro and BTP PPC - both professionally built for audiophiles and similarly priced.

I know there're other higher end power strips like Oyaid MTB 6, which costs around $800 but I don't think I need to spend that much, since I don't have a dedicated power line for audio.

Any other suggestions are welcome.

Considering the equipment you are using, you should take the money and install dedicated lines with upgraded outlets.
The Cable Pro is a very nice piece. I don't think you can go wrong. I know Audience makes a distribution box for Naim with absolutely no filtering that's supposed to be really excellent, but it costs $1500. Frankly, with your level of system, I would go for it, but I don't want to spend your money for you. Good luck and I hope you find something you like.