Revelation audio labs

Anybody purchase any cables from the above ? My regular distributor purchased a few cables on my urging to replace the umblical cord of my MSB diamond & my phono PSU .
After 2-3 months no sight of cable . After some pushing , the distributor was sent a tracking nos from USPS but no cables in sight? Anybody experience similar prob ?

Does anyone know if Brad from Revelation Audio is still in business? An audio buddy of mine ordered some cables from him some time ago but he is unable to get in contact with him about anything.

Thanks and any news you have would be great. I'm trying to help out a friend.

Yes, apparently RAL is still making [some] cables.

I ordered a Passage umbilical cord for my Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista about 2 1/2 weeks ago, and communicated with Brad via email. I prepaid via paypal. Brad WAS responsive via email, but when I tried to call RAL to ensure they received the payment, I discovered that their phone was not in service, which was a little concerning..

However, Brad stayed in touch via email, and after a short delay last week, I received the cord today.

Can't post anything about the sound yet as I have just had it in the system for a few hours.

I read some of the negative posts on various fora over the last few years while I was waiting for my cable for the last 2 weeks; I may not have ordered had I known of the troubles folks expressed getting their cables after payment.

BUT.. the cable looks well made and I'm hoping it will be the nice upgrade it's supposed to be. Not sure I would want to pre-pay thousands of dollars for power cords, speaker cables, etc. after reading of bad experiences, but for the single cable it was obviously less financial risk.

I saw on one board that a guy said there is a best method to deal with potential situations of non-delivery... That method is called COD.

Hi Keith

Thanks for the prompt and detailed response. I will relay to my buddy. He still hasn't heard from Brad though.
After reading pretty negative reviews of Revelation Audio’s customer service and pretty positive reviews of cable performance, I decided that AMEX would always bail me out.

I placed an order for the HDMI I2S and hoped for the best. As others reported, the initial communication was very good. However, after order placement and beyond a promise to “ship the cable next week” nothing happened. 
A month went by and I contacted AMEX and they immediately credited my account. With a shrug I continued to search for another cable source.
About two months after the initial order, a box arrived with a purple velvet bag inside containing my cable. Bemused, I connected the cable and proceeded to let it settle in for a week. 
Upon listening a week later I was impressed at the improved soundstage and authoritative low end response. The cable was very good, in fact the best I2s cable I had tried out from a half a dozen others. 
Having been refunded my payment about a month earlier, I was wondering what to do when I received an email from Brad asking if I liked the cable to resend payment. 
I contacted AMEX to reinstate the charge and mused about Revelation Audio’s unique customer service methodology.

Anyone else get lucky?
Apparently it’s like being pregnant. It takes nine months no matter how badly you want it. My dealings with Brad have been quite pleasant and he is the owner of my Nirvana dual layer mass-on-spring iso stand.