When buying and selling used gear with individuals online you are trading away the boring certainty of a retail purchase for the chance of getting something exotic, interesting, perhaps no longer available and possibly a real bargain. The certainty is gone, the risk is high but the reward is potentially great. There's also the thrill of the hunt. You can't have it both ways.
To answer your question, no, I would never make an offer and then back out of the deal. Despite a small percentage of people here who don't seem to have the same ethical standards as the rest, this is a community based on trust and honorable intentions.
Far more often than not I've been well rewarded by going with my instincts about what's a good deal and what's not when the feedback of the seller is good. I can't count the number of deals I've missed because I hesitated too long, but I can tell you about quite a few remarkable purchases I made because I just went for it.
When buying and selling used gear with individuals online you are trading away the boring certainty of a retail purchase for the chance of getting something exotic, interesting, perhaps no longer available and possibly a real bargain. The certainty is gone, the risk is high but the reward is potentially great. There's also the thrill of the hunt. You can't have it both ways.
To answer your question, no, I would never make an offer and then back out of the deal. Despite a small percentage of people here who don't seem to have the same ethical standards as the rest, this is a community based on trust and honorable intentions.
Far more often than not I've been well rewarded by going with my instincts about what's a good deal and what's not when the feedback of the seller is good. I can't count the number of deals I've missed because I hesitated too long, but I can tell you about quite a few remarkable purchases I made because I just went for it.