Where to Buy Audiophile Recordings with a Smile

I recently started using a major internet audio supplier for my lp's, sacd's and cd recordings. They usually come up number 1 in searches for lps (not Amazon). I probably spent close to $1,000 in the last 4 months with this company. Unfortunately I received an album that I didn't open after buying and when I finally did 4 months later the record was sonically a mess. I emailed customer service, explained my situation and asked if anything could be done. Since I found the problem after the 1 month return policy they said "no". I explained that I buy lots of recordings, also from some other sources but with my business schedule I don't always get to the new recordings in a timely manner and would they be willing to make an exception this time since I had listened to the majority of what they had sent me with no concerns. A second email indicated "no" so this company to save $20 and uphold their return policy has lost a customer.

Any suggestions on whom you've used over the years and that you have developed a good relationship with in all facets of being the buyer?
Learn to view the bright side:
When defective merchandise returns to manufacturer, one likely will take actions to correct malfunction on future units. Isn't that great and honest to other people?
Manufacturer at the same time benefits for better quality control in one's facility and possibly increases one's profits.
So who will suffer after all and what's indeed wrong or dishonest if no one actually will?
So what's indeed wrong or dishonest if everybody only benefit?
o who will suffer after all and what's indeed wrong or dishonest if no one actually will?
So what's indeed wrong or dishonest if everybody only benefit?
Man, you have taken rationalization to a whole 'nuther level. Lying is not dishonest, it's actually a benefit to the greater good. Whodda thunk it? You must have a job in George Orwell's Ministry of Truth. I guess I need to add you to my mental list of people not to deal with.

Seriously dude, your actions are not only dishonest, they DO hurt someone. The retailer, who, as Justlisten pointed out, has to eat the loss because the record company and/or distributor no longer gives them any credit for returns. Tell me, do you also go into B&M stores for auditions and then order on-line.
I always try not to hurt anyone and make sure it happens. My life goals are always to keep everyone happy. Retailer isn't the one who should get beat -- agree. One also have to make sure that it's not happening by bargaining better contract with distributor and/or manufacturer. One also have to void dealing with distributors as well.
I'm retailer as well...
Some of the responses to my post are very interesting and how anyone chooses to handle their affairs is not something I feel I need to be judgmental about.

I never ever thought of approaching the problem with the defective record in any other way than by politely asking for an exception from this retailer. Under the circumstances the business chose to handle the situation one way and where I would have hoped they would have worked with me they didn't. Therefore I made the choice to remove my future business from them. I guess it's that simple.

I've moved on and ordered from some of the companies suggested by others and for this I appreciate the input. I'm looking forward to the re-issue by Roger Waters "Amused to Death" coming from Soundstage Direct. I've also decided to buy directly from Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab and will continue to search through other suppliers.

As an aside received the first 5 albums from Blue Notes 75th Anniversary re-issue with the next 5 arriving any time. They're pretty good but they used the thinnest of vinyl. I guess I would have thought they would have bumped it to 180gm. Oh well still amazing music.