I Just Know It's BS ... But I Have't Tried It Yet

Have you ever noticed how quickly naysayers jump on "unconventional" products they have never tried, letting us know they are worthless -- shamelessly admitting they have no direct experience with the item they are putting down? For example, anything with the word quantum in the name seems to set some people off. Do you have your favorite examples of this phenomenon? What do you make of this irrational approach to high end audio that is often suffixed by LOL and exclamation points for emphasis?
I'd prefer to use that when I or anyone else can trust own ears. There are plenty of cases when anyone just can't trust ears.

That's interesting. I imagine this applies to those who have hearing impairment. What other cases come to mind?

Can you definitely tell if signal generator delivers 6.745Hz to the speaker? What if signal generator increases by 22.5Hz?
Can you DEFINITELY tell in blind A/B Transparent cable vs. zip-cord?
Can you DEFINITELY tell which note the wind's blowing?
Can you hear rock placed on top of your amp can totally change sound of it or any system component?
Can you hear fish singin'?
If you can, than trust your own ears 100% and you don't have to use your poor imagination(not good idea at all).

I have maid the point in an earlier thread -- speculating that cable makers would not be able to identify their own cables in a blind A/B test.

But I am concerned with changes in the sound that are significant enough to change the quality of sound. I can hear very subtle changes to my system. I cannot speak for others.