Greenville SC / Hendersonville-Asheville NC areas

I've lived in the Greenville SC area for a while now and with one exception here and a few nearby in Greenwood and Florence (both SC), have yet to bump into any serious audio or HT people. I'm hanging this thread out here on the chance that people are looking for people to hang out and listen to music with/collaborate on systems, etc...
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xzephyr24069
Late June (3rd or 4th week works for me.....). Bump heard, felt and received :-) !!!! Let me get some hard dates nailed down. Should I assume weekends are better for everyone (since we probably all work to pay for this hobby and keep WAF to a maximum!)?
Bump heard, felt and received :-)
hopefully it wasn't the bump that originated in Nepal this past weekend!! ....

Guys, I might want to join in this fun as well, if I may be allowed to. I'm not too far from Scott_w. thanks.
Should be a lot of fun! The "Bump" to watch for will the low bass impact off the Aeris' !!! All kidding aside,...what happened to all those unfortunate people in Nepal is sad beyond words...
You know Audiogon is based in Greenville. Some of the 'staff' owns our speakers.