How Things Change

When I look back at some of the posts that I made in years gone by I often feel like I am reading the opinions of a misguided friend. I am being kind to myself here. So many things have changed. How do you feel about what you wrote about various audio subjects in the past?

You make an interesting observation.

If you are talking about audio systems, then striving for improvement is very important if you are interested in getting closer to the music. But, at some point, most people reach a point where there are no more improvements to be made.

If you are talking about life in general, then I think it's a bit more complicated. When I went through health crises worse came before better. And we are all getting one day older as each day passes. So, it is a challenge to keep getting better through the aging process. With a deep understanding of factors that create pathology a lot can be done. I have written two books on the subject. We can also improve our health through staying fit. But, of course, there is no such thing as stopping the aging process itself.
About life,just so Sabai, just so.
The secret is to live ONE day at a time, I have the same 24 hrs in a day at 79 as I did at 19.And contrary to the poets advice, DO go gently into the night, trusting in the creator.

I agree, one day at a time is best. When we were youngsters my father used to say "Make haste slowly". Dad was right. Of course, it is in our nature to look ahead and plan and try to push the river. But if you get too far ahead of yourself you may find yourself retracing some steps. This has happened to me more times than I would like to admit. The best laid plans of mice and men ...
Yes, it is easier to say than do .
But, like most things in life practice makes perfect.
It's hard for me to look very far back as the first few decades I was involved in audio there was no internet. But I'm sure my opinion about audio and music has changed greatly and will still change. I'm not done upgrading, never will be, so I'm not done learning about audio and music.

Just as life goes on so will my love of this grand hobby.
