AudiogoN Inception Date?

Panning through old threads, I noticed a few members as early as late 98/early 99.

Emailed service a while back no answer, figured if anyone should know, they would.

When did all this start and who was the first poster(s)?
1969? Isnt that before Internet? Maybe that would be a good question, what came first, internet or Audiogon?
When Audiogon redid their system a few years ago, (remember
that debacle?) all of us that have been on here since around
the beginning, had all of our inception dates changed to
12/31/1969. Don't know why, but that's what happened.
I think that 12/31/1969 date is a bug from when the A'gon upgrade happened a couple of years ago. It appears on certain screens. When I looked up Rx8man in this section of Audiogon: Home > Learn > Member lookup the Active Since Date is:08-19-02

I found this from doing some searching. Can't verify it is true or not though.

Created: 1998-05-14
Here is an enduring thread from January 2001: