Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
I'm not afraid Audiolab, there IS something seriously wrong with the cable haters. Are they hard of hearing or do they not have system enough to discerned cable differences? Are they buying into their own hype? Why has this become such an issue for some? I can't believe some of the stuff I've been reading and do not understand the inability to judge differences in interconnect and speaker cable.

Maybe the cable haters really don't belong on audio forums jmcgrogan2? That would be a better topic.

Folks, cabling plays a huge role in all live performances, in all sound recording, in all sound reproduction, and therfore in ALL of our sound systems. There is no question it has an effect on what we hear.
@ knghifi and waxwaves,I agree knghifi,hopefully rok2id did get a new perspective,,waxwaves,I could not have made a better post 3-7-13 myself!,you hit the nail on the head!very good explanation!you have my best respects!,As a matter of fact,one of us should start a new thread saying what jmcgrogan2 recommended!,I would be there everyday!,we may be able to teach cable hatters about cables!cheers!
I just sold a set of Nordost Heimdalls and a set of Blue Heaven IC's. They sounded great in my system, and I was going to upgrade to Tyr, Valhallas, or Odins. Instead, I am waiting on Linn IC's since I've always had good luck with them. I have to use Monster cables while waiting for the Linns to arrive. Guess system still sounds fantastic. I would have kicked myself paying the kind of money to get the Nordosts, however their powercords and QB4 distribution box did make a difference for the better, so I guess it really matters what type of system one has.
Waxwaves, some folks just enjoy a good argument.

There are people out there who simply enjoy taking a contrary view in life. I've found folks out there like that. No matter what you say, they will take the opposite stance.

This one guy I'll never forget, he used to track me down and try to befriend me. Everything we talked about turned into an argument. His named was Richard, but he enjoyed being called "Dick", which he was, and revealed in the glow. I did my best to avoid him, but I also noticed he was like this with everyone else he met too, it wasn't just me.

Then I realized that some folks just enjoy being agitators in life, it's how they have their *fun*. It's a crazy world we live in.
03-07-13: Knghifi
These forums are a great place to learn but one needs an OPEN mind. It's possible rok2id upgraded from his Yugo with a new perspective?

A friend of mine sent me an email, saying I should peek back in here, and see what turmoil I've helped to wrought. I'm glad I did, because I didn't see Bander's reply before I left. It is seldom I am called intelligent and an ass in one reply. I enjoyed that.

As for Knghifi, Waxwaves, and Audiolabyrinth, all of you are waiting for some sort of entertaining debate so you can sit around and pat each other on the back for hearing what no one else can, while accusing those more interested in science and fact of being close-minded - you guys are seriously deluding yourselves. As I said before, being open-minded does not mean being open to silliness.

Let's ignore science for a moment, let's stick just to logic, something even you flat earthers can understand. I don't care what the cable is for, whether it's an interconnect, a speaker cable, or a power cable, the case for any one of these fails a basic test, which is why a cable that is only a single segment of a much longer signal path affects sound quality as much as you guys claim it does. In the case of an interconnect, once you get inside of almost any modern component the signal is going to trace on a circuit board. Even if it isn't trace, it's probably some cheap hook-up wire. Why are the trace and solder joints so much less important? Or speaker cables, where most speakers are wired, again, with simple hook-up wire. And if not the cabling inside of speakers, the wire on voice coils, which is often aluminum, or the trace on some crossover boards, not to mention all of the simple bare copper wire in massive air-core inductors? I fail to understand why speaker cables are so much more important than these wires, which are in the same signal path. There is no logic to this.

Of course, the most massive failure of logic has to be in power cables and outlets, what with tens of feet of Romex in your house. And power cables aren't even in the signal path.

So while you guys are figuratively sitting here, all smug in your pathetic delusions, telling yourselves in posts how the rest of us are just close-minded and half-deaf because we can't hear the differences you all claim are so critical to a great system, think about these questions. Why does a speaker cable make so much difference when there's just plain-old copper wire in that inductor? Or some nice trace on fiberglass in the way?