Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
@ Zd542, There you go again, you got a laugh out of me!, I agree with you!, the context you have gets me to laughing!, Keep comeing with it!,, cheers!
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The people of AVS are F.......insane. Wenn you do not let other people give ther own opinion. You never can and will be subjective. I never met such blind people in my life before in this business. Let them be happy with there simple sets and screens with budget cables. I guess they like to limited themselves. Who am I to Judge!!!
"Now if you need eye candy there are vendors everywhere sell that to ya and all kinds of snake oil available too."

I think I found the problem. We are talking about audio cables here. You need to listen to them, not watch them. Try that and you'll get much better results.

Also, what's snake oil?
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