Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
@Mental, sometimes I think that Blue Jean cables are marketed to the old school cable skeptics who feel like they will get close to the same presentation of the music from the "comfy ol blue jeans". I can hear them now..."my ol blue jeans are just right" and I don't wanna change. Well, my linen pants feel just right too. The fabric feels even better on my skin and there is plenty of sack room. My ol Levi's are a bit restrictive in that area and a little rough at the seams. My Tara Labs Air 1 are not at all restrictive and allow my good equipment to do what it was made to do. The Blue Jeans cables just weren't capable of allowing me to hear this kind of intimate and lifelike presentation of the tunes that the Air 1 are capable of. Yeah, I had to spend a lil more $ to have this. But music is very important in my life, so it was definately worth it to me. My point is, there are somewhat inexpensive higher end cable offerings out there in the used market that will amaze you! Did me anyway. I did not realize my equipment could make music that sounded this good. IMO, it is worth the time, trouble, and $$ to find good high end cabling that works for you. You can audition many different high end cables at the Cable Co. Website and find what you like best! Then find a deal on the used marketplace. With better cabling in my system, I enjoy listening now more than ever! In fact, it is downright exciting! Hope this comes across as me trying to be helpful! LOL! Happy listening!
@ waxwaves, That was the best review you have ever wrote!, If I was A publisher for high-end audio, I would ask you to use this!,, you got humor, truth,and then the joy of music all wrapped up into one review!, cheers!
stereo cables : bicycle handlebar tape

if you wake up one morning and have no inspiration to ride, change the handlebar tape.

Your bicycle will be newer and faster and more exciting then ever.

And the best part, you now look forward to riding.