Anyone heard new Moon I-7 Integrated Amp?

I am looking at Bryston B100, Moon I-7, Classe CAP 2100.

I'd appreciate any thoughts from people who have heard any of them.
I know this is an old thread, and probably no one cares, but......
I've had the Moon Supernova CDP for 6 months now - huge blood red display (but very accessable dimming control) which I didn't like - at first. Now, I understand - it is supremely readable - from clear across the room!
And, now I'm looking for a second CDP for a second system. And I keep noticing how small and hard to read most displays are (the great sounding Ayre Cx-5 - couldn't read it from 10 feet away with some sun coming in the room - not to pick on Ayre, there are many out there like this). I may end up with a second Sim audio player.
So, I'm now a fan of huge displays. My eyes are fine, it is just very much easier!
I thought I'd update, now that I've heard the I-7.
As it happens, shortly before auditioning the I-7, I bought a very nice used Moon I-5 from the same dealer. People interested in the I-7, who haven't heard it, might want to check out issue of Hi Fi +, the British mag, with the Chris Thomas review of the I-7. IMHO an even-handed and incisive review.

I had a couple of very nice hours with the I-7. My take on the I-7 is that while it is a fine amp, it has a lot of features and capabilities for AV and multichannel that don't interest me, but which apparently account part of the considerable price step up from the I-5. The I-7 does offer significant additional range of loudness and softness, compared to the I-5, within any given note or voice. Is that greater fidelity, or just a magnified effect? I'm not sure. Certainly, the I-7 provides great detail and transparency without harshness.

If you like the house sound, but need more wattage than the I-5, or need multi-channel application, it may be a good candidate, but there are a lot of very competitive near-reference integrateds in that price range.

On balance, it left me more interested in the updated version of the I-5, for my small room, quiet listening tendencies.
Quote Panderson " it has a lot of features and capabilities for AV and multichannel that don't interest me"

I sure wouldn't mind being able to set up my i-5 so all my sources are at the same volume level like you can on the i-7 (I think Mark Levinson and BAT have this feature, as well).

That being said, I can't get my head around the new cosmetics, so I will stick with the i-5 for now.
Quoting from Riffer "I sure wouldn't mind being able to set up my i-5 so all my sources are at the same volume level like you can on the i-7 (I think Mark Levinson and BAT have this feature, as well)."

A fair comment, a legitimate plus for the I-7. My personal preferences are based on single source, 2 channel application for now. And yeah, I prefer the low key aesthetic of the I-5. A functional beauty...