Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved

Unable to respond to, "Mach2Music and Amarra: Huge Disappointment"- Thread. Other Members take free pop-shots!
Apparently some have more Freedom Of Speech than others! I
don't know how many times I have said it, I want Computer
Audio to succeed! It will only succeed if Computers are designed from the ground up to reproduce Music (Same minimum standard applied for Equipment of ALL Audio Formats)! This is common sense Audio Engineering Design. Bandaid Modifications cannot be substituted for absence in design to produce Music! Design it right to EARN the right to become a New Audio Format- same as all other Audio Formats! No Freebee's, No Cutting Corners! Lack of design is what's causing such varied results in S.Q. between
listeners of Computer Audio. I see about 50% negative
responses here on these Threads. It will continue to happen unless you fix it! Blaming me won't help! I am an
Engineer, and I can read results! 50/50 success/ failure
rate- you have an inherit Engineering Design Flaw for the
reproduction of Music via Computers! Shock! Suprise- since
they were never designed for Music! So when is someone finally going to properly design the Equipment/Computer
(From the ground up) for Computer Audio? Do we continue
to treat any real criticism as "HERESY" in the lack of
design in Computer Audio for Music? You tell me what I am
allowed to talk about, and we will both know!
This is the ONLY Audio Format switchover where we have less Music available NOW than we had before the switchover began.
That which is available now ( Non-MP3 Downloading ) apparently has to be searched for through the ever expanding four corners of the Internet. In other words "LOTTSA LUCK", in finding it! This is "Russian Roulet", or "Flipping a Coin" at finding access to your Musical Archive. Everyone admits as much that one has to " Do a Lot More Digging " to find their Music T-O-D-A-Y ( Than Yesterday Perhaps? ). This situation becomes compounded daily due to this becoming the acceptable trend,
thereby exponentially expanding a huge gap in missing Music Archive. You cannot say "Soon All New Music will ONLY be available as Music Downloads" without also subtracting a lot of Music in the process. This will limit Selection, and with it, limited access to many potential High Fidelity Releases. Not talking High Sound Quality in general, but in numbers of High Sound Quality Releases. The Numbers will always hit a ceiling, the limited Selection of Downloads available. The impression is that we have more High Fidelity Releases available today as Downloads, but one cannot argue against the severe limited availability of Music Download Selection. To say one does not affect the other denies reason. This situation will continue so long as: 1.Music Manufacturers Profit from the situation. 2.Computer Audio Users deny the situation. 3.Computer Manufacturers don't care about the situation. 4.Computer Manufacturers refuse (See no profit) in continuing research in development in Computer Audio 5.So long as Computer Manufacturers (No one) will take the lead in corporate development of Computer Audio.
Any one of these would be enough to unravel Computer Audio from becoming the Primary Audio Format. Without direction/ research/development/investment in increased selection/standardizing of format sound quality/accountability to customers- this cannot avoid failure lacking any plan for success. This is what the lack of these things add up to. An ad hock audio Format cannot succeed without SOME input, and no one willing to put forth any input into it. Absurd to expect maximum results out of it. Failure is NOT what I wish! I need (unfortunately) the success of Computer Audio to provide one of many sources
for necessary access to my Music Archive. One Format simply will not cut it- and this is unfortunately the situation that Computer Audio has created with limited selection in other Audio Formats. Computer Audio has to succeed if Music Audio listening will succeed. This will not happen unless something drastically changes with the situation of Computer Audio N-O-W!!! "Soon All New Music will NOT be available on anything" is the risk of making Music Listening Redundant. Don't take it for granted! Only way it doesn't become redundant is if steps are taken N-O-W to make sure it doesn't become redundant. Lack of steps by Computer Manufacturers listed above (And Attitude), and attitude of everyone involved must change to prevent failure. Best way to constructively create failure is to apathetically do nothing. One cannot possibly expect success such as "Soon All New Music Will Only Available As Music Downloads" without No Ones Input! That has to be Input from User as well as Manufacturer. Everyone's Input, or No Ones success. Success IS that dependent! This is the last response that I am Inputting onto this Thread. I wish everyone luck (Sincerely) in finding your Music in the near future without having to build "bomb shelters" of Music Archives. Such impending doom is not necessary, ridiculous, not beneficial to anyone, and should be avoided. As usual it is entirely up to you if we go down that road. I have spoke my peace- Thanks for listening, and I am out of here!
I expect insults, and negative responses to this response. Any chance that someone might come up with something constructive to add? Well, I tried!!! Fire away because I will no longer be Responding. Last Free Shots for The Entire House are On Me!

Why not just buy CDs and transfer them to an HD?

If you are finding downloads so difficult to find, as has been mentioned
a few hundred times to you now, your computer will play anything you like. unlike any other source in history.
@ mentioned in an earlier post that you were looking for a DAC. I recently bought a new Cambridge Audio DAC Magic 100 on ebay for $315. It has 3 different types of digital inputs and sounds pretty good. It's not the last word in digital to analog conversion, but it isn't bad for the money.
Petty we have been answering your "questions" - you just are not listening. These are not "pot shots" as you put it. As Chad stated - you came here for an argument, and an argument you found.

Thanks in advance for no longer responding. We win. You lose.

Very sorry that you can't seem to find music. We can!!!
Last couple of my Responses have been rejected for being too
"inflammatory". I was hoping to end this Thread once, and for all. I will only say that for most Music you can still pretty much get it via CD, or Music Downloads. You guys are the ones who claim that "it takes a little bit more digging" to find it. I came here for an argument to reverse that trend. No reason to jump through smaller, and smaller hoops to find your Music. Your answer was to build "Bomb Shelters" of Musical Archive in preparation. How is this NOT inconsistent with what you claim now? As diplomatic as I can possibly respond "Please kindly get your stories straight". My missing Music is inconsequential, I got it!
I do listen, but you have to start listening to how you sound from this end. Most of your answers agree that Music Selection is a little harder to come by due to Computer Audio. It is not an "Answer" agreeing with me, that I want. I already have an acknowledgement of the problem, but see no solution (or desire) to correct it. I don't see an alternative Audio Music Format without the Music Selection.
If you do, THAT leaves a vacuum. You can't fill that vacuum by tossing mud at me. If that is your answer, why would anyone listen? Finding Downloads is NOT the problem, finding
my Music available as a Download IS the problem. It is just not a problem to you. Maybe YOU should do a little bit more listening? "Soon All New Music Will Only Be Available As Music Downloads" means cutting my Music Selection off at the knees. If you cut me don't I bleed? Get the Download Selection up, then we will consider it. What is this crap of desperately trying to avoid it at all costs? Are you afraid of Computer Audio going under? Are you terrified of having too much Download Music Selection available? How is that....B-A-D??? Please explain, and don't try to distract from an Explanation by claiming that "I Don't Listen". This is wearing thin as a tool to avoid really answering the question. I see our Music Selection going out on a limb. I see us going out on a limb over Computer Audio with no research support from Computer Manufacturers over Sound Quality. Customer Support being unaccountably supplied by other there anything this Audio Format does right AS an Audio Format in context of what other Audio Formats have provided? Apparently WE do all of the production work, and we pay through the nose for the priviledge of the added tasking. Is it asking too much for Computer Audio Downloads to supply us the Music Selection that we are accustomed to? Cut us some slack somewhere! Show
some Mercy, instead of being "Mr. Freeze" with our Music Archives. Freezing us out? THAT is your Answer? Sorry if I have a tendency to say "Right Back At You"! That is being responsive, NOT being inflammatory (A Little Cold for That
don't you think?). You tell me when we will "Thaw" out the Music Selection Availability in Computer Audio Downloads. I am not buying "Ice Cubes" to use for Audio in the meantime.
They don't fit in my ears very well, and they are just a little uncomfortable. I diplomatically must return them to you, with all due respect. Give me Music instead, if you please!