Regarding DK Design Vs.1 Reference Mk2 amp ???

Does anybody know the answer to this question ? If the DK Design Vs.1 Reference Mk2 is such a good amp why so many people are selling it ????
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Where's "Betterthencrack" when you need him?!?!

I'm turning blue here holding my breath, and now there are sixteen Mk II's
including two auctions. Three Mk III's too...maybe you oughta ask them as

In comparison there are four Bose 901 speaker sets for sale. There are three
PrimaLuna amps which have also undergone a popular and rapid sucession of
their line (Prologue One, Two and Three...and one other as I seem to recall).
Jolida Amps...there are currently five used ones for sale...two 202's and three
302's. There are a buttload of Pass Labs X series amps currently for sale,
which exceeds the number of DK. What's it all really mean in the grand
scheme of high-end audio, as far as you, the individual user is concerned?
IMNSHO, absolutely whatever you want it to mean. You can speculate till the
cows come home. It still will mean the same (no)thing!!! Judge the stuff with
the two ears you got, and all three if you've got an extra! Make up your own
damn mind. No doubt DK has a product worthy of your consideration, in
whatever encarnation. So do a whole gaggle of other amp manufacturers (is
that "gaggle" or "herd"??!!).

Many people are selling the DK Mark II's as TVAD said, simply becaue the Mark III is out.
It's the search for the better and best, I guess.
Three obvious changes, Better Caps, the Cardas,a variable output for those who want to use a sub (this may be a reason for many to move to the Mark III) and better binding posts.
Most of the audiophiles I have known through the years are just looking to improve their system, and this is a move forward, not earth shattering, but only $200. more at the retail level. The changes were in response to customer input.
Thanks, and I hope this answers the basic question.
Larry R. Staples
DK Design
The reason for so many Mark II's for sale, could be the introduction of the Mark III, as TVAD suggested.
At least that's our guess. It is always hard to tell, but some of the 'improvements' to the Mark III, inspired by customer input, seems to have caused many to seek out our Mark III. We have noted that sales of the III, have been surprisingly fast during the traditionally slow season, both domestically and internationally.
We incorporated three major changes in the Mark III, addressing the recurring requests for product evolution and improvement.
First, we allow for use with a subwoofer, by having variable output,
second, we improved the sound by using Cardas Caps,
third, we are using much better binding posts, while,
the price change was relatively minor,increasing to $3195.
In light of these improvements, we feel that this was a negligable change.
I seem to have noticed in the past, that the introduction of new product models, has the potential for creating a large number of older models for sale.
I hope this information is useful, and goes toward offering some explanation (if there is a valid one) as to why several of our customers have chosen to sell.
Then too, there is always the chance that some may have been 'early adoptors', who just want a different product now, and have simply moved on.
Larry R. Staples
DK Design/LSA Group
(Lrsky) Larry , since you seem to be good about answering most questions , can you tell us the difference's you have experienced with the MKIII Signature to the MKIII Reference? Also what is some of the big difference's inside unit , since they seem to look awefully close.
Thanks Paul