Is solid state obsolete?

Let's cut to the chase. Mosfet, Jfet, transistors, are they a past technology like 78 rpm? IC based amps are here and here to stay. Are the days of Krell, Gamut, Accuphase, Clayton, McCormick, Rowland, Boulder, etc. gone? A tube pre amp and an IC based power amp, can it be the best combo? Comments please.
I have owned all varieties, solid state, hybrids, tubes, digital amps--and nothing but nothing beats a well made class A ss amp--nothing! THE REST ARE ALL SUPERSITION, enjoyable superstition, but still a lie.
The key is matching the amp to the speaker. There is no such thing as an amp that will work well with all speakers or a speaker that can be driven well by any amp.

A tube pre amp and an IC based power amp, can it be the best combo?

The best? I don't think so, SS devices have inherent distortions that have to be dealt with with feedback, but it can be acceptable if the power amp is mated with the proper speaker.

Mosfet, Jfet, transistors, are they a past technology like 78 rpm? IC based amps are here and here to stay.

There is actually no practical difference in the two. An IC (integrated circuit) is nothing more than a bunch of Mosfets, Jfets, and/or bipolar transistors and bias devices integrated into a single package that makes it easy for a designer to build an amp. You could build the same amp with discrete devices. There is really no difference in the performance of an IC amp or one made of discrete transistors.
Rowland uses IC's in his amps for the last 5-6 years, guess they're not as bad you guys think?

and what does halcro use?

You'd have to make a very convincing argument that the Halcro's aren't the most "ideal" amplifiers on the planet? They measure exactly like what engineers would say is ideal or nearly perfect. IC based amplification?

"Ideal" may not always sound the best, but that's another discussion.

All I have to say to you all is Caveat Emptor!