Which preamp to buy?

I have a Krell KSA 250 amp and Thiel 3.6 speakers. I am looking for a matching tube preamp with a volume control. I am willing to spend about 1,500 (used). Can you please recommend some premaps? I listen to jazz 70% of the time.
Someone has a 17LS conrad johnson for sale on this site. "LS" is the Line Stage designation-. They are asking $2250. not as low as you mentioned. This is a great combo cj and Krell. There are several other of their pre's for sale here. One, I think 12B (BLACK) which is also a good match.
Good luck, and good listening.
Along the conrad johnson line-up you may want to consider a used premier 14. It is closer to your price point than the 17 and is highly rated comes with remote. As Larry mentions if you can stretch your budget the 17lsI is great as well.

Preservation is the key word here, to preserve all that is good within the system while gaining in the areas you feel are it's weakness.
