Which preamp to buy?

I have a Krell KSA 250 amp and Thiel 3.6 speakers. I am looking for a matching tube preamp with a volume control. I am willing to spend about 1,500 (used). Can you please recommend some premaps? I listen to jazz 70% of the time.
Along the conrad johnson line-up you may want to consider a used premier 14. It is closer to your price point than the 17 and is highly rated comes with remote. As Larry mentions if you can stretch your budget the 17lsI is great as well.

Preservation is the key word here, to preserve all that is good within the system while gaining in the areas you feel are it's weakness.

With your equipment, you probably need a preamp that warms the sound a little (particularly for Jazz).

I would suggest a Cary SLP-88, available well under your price limit. Another option would be a Rougue 66.

I agree with the others with the c-j 17LS recommendation. Well worth the additional dollars!

Good Luck!*>)
And now for something completely different. I don't subscribe to the "all Krells are bright,(etc.)". I think the KSA 250 might even be a bit warm. If you want to balance the sound that attracted you to the KSA 250 in the first place with some tubes, I suggest a Sonic Frontiers Line stage. A very neutral tube stage that has a low output impedance, is DC coupled (Krells rightly or wrongly are reputed to be sensitive to DC offset), offers true balanced inputs and outputs, a nice remote and is built as well as a Krell. BTW, I've been using c-j pre/power on Thiels for many years.