Music server install: internet over electric lines

Hi group,
I want to set up a Marantz NA7004 network audio player with my 2 channel system; my plan was to have my cable company run an internet line to my system's location, but today the tech said, given my home's layout, that wasn't possible.

He suggested a device by Asoka, called "PlugLink," which carries internet over your existing power lines.

Has anyone done this? I wanted a dedicated hard line to improve audio quality; I'm worried about noise from current affecting the signal to the player.

The other option is Marantz has a wireless "airplay" unit which could stream music to the NA7004.

Thanks in advance for your advice,
As Kr4 says, it depends. I tested a pair of powerlink devices, though not the Asoka variety, and while they worked, the throughput wasn't any better than Airplay from an Airport Extreme base station.

And, as he suggests, if the two outlets you're connecting aren't on the same leg in your breaker box you may get no connection at all. On the other hand, the powerlink modules are cheap enough that you won't have lost much trying it.
Arcamguy, I have no experience but digital over power line but doesn't sound good to me. 1st thing comes to mind is NOISE.

I'm running ethernet from router to DAC and sound is much superior to wireless. Currently I'm rolling different ethernet cables.

Another option is a wireless bridge.
Knghifi: Ethernet cables are galvanically isolated so this why you don;t have to worry about (Ground) noise. Hi-Freq noise - is more difficult proposition and either your server or your DAC has to deal with it
Yes, my Magnum Dynalab 809t Internet tuner has been connected to the Internet using an Ethernet over power connection for many months (internet over your existing power lines). It has proven to be a very reliable connection. Connection problems are very rare. My video system, dish washer and other home appliances do NOT interfere when I am using the Ethernet over power connection for my tuner.

I am using the ASUS homeplug av powerline adapter kit PL-X32m rated at to 200Mbps (Ethernet over power). See

The ASUS HomePlug AV Ethernet Adapter lets you pass through the existing powerlines in your home or office into a high-speed network. There are many other Ethernet Adapter brands on the market but the ASUS PL-X32m was highly recommend by a networking friend of mine (he has his own networking company).

There is no noise problem with the Ethernet over power since it runs on your electrical lines at a higher frequency than the electrical power. I suggest you plug the Ethernet over power device into a separate power outlet that is NOT used for any other devices. This applies at both the source (my tuner, for example) and the other room where the device is connected to the router. I had problems when I tried to plug a 2nd device into the wall plug.

I am using an Ethernet connection from the ASUS device to my tuner in my living room and an Ethernet wire from the device to my router. The ASUS package comes with two devices (source and for the router). I suggest you plug the ASUS device "directly" into the router and NOT into a switch box. Mine was first plugged into my Netgear switch box but I discovered I got a better connection by going directly into my router.

Ethernet over power is much better connection than a wireless connection. It was very difficult for me to run another Ethernet wire from my router in my home office to my living room and the Ethernet over power solution works fine.

I hope the above helps. Any questions, please ask.