What's the best s.s. integrated for Khorns?

Hi: I am looking to start a new stereo rig,starting with new Klipschorns, so what do you recommend for a s.s.
integrated amp that would compliment these efficient(104db)
speakers? I like to listen at a loud level(85-90db),so maybe 100x2 minimum?. I was thinkin Sim Moon 1-7 integrated,
willing to go to 4k$ tops! No c.d. player as yet. What would you pick for an integrated? Thanks, Huck
I agree with those who say don't go near ss with Klipshorns and don't consider such power as all you need is probably 1 watt. When I had them, I used a 1.56 watt 45 tube SET.

How did you end up with Klipshorns?
khorns sound fine with any good amp....a mac602 for example only uses about 3 to 6 watts to drive khorns and the sound is far more natural than many low watt tube wonders
ive owned klipsch horns & i ran them with tubes & solid state,i prefered solid state any day over tubes,you hear all the time about how loud 5 or 10 watts will be with 104 db speakers,not 100% true,that statement is subjective to what each person thinks is loud & i will gaurentee you that 10 watts or even 30 or 40 watts will not even come close to giving you the listening level you described in your post.

the thing about khorns or any other 104 db efficient speaker is that they easily expose any weakness in the gear driving them & the biggest weakness of tube amps is the lack of a good strong bass & at loud listening levels the bass will become very loose & weak,allmost strained,from my experience people who like seriously loud music also prefer a good strong thumping bass & with tubes you wont get it.

try not to get too caught up in the whole plastic vs metal horn deal either,ive had all the horn types including the original wood type horns & at the listening levels you described none will make a difference.

klipschfan's suggestion is the best ive seen for what your looking for,try to stay away from midfi gear such as adcom,rotel,parasound ect & stay with top end gear,my personal favorite was the krell ksa 150 class a,that combo was like thunder & the khorns absulutely loved 150 wpc class a amplification.

104db @ 1watt
107db @ 2 watts
110db @ 4 watts
113db @ 8 watts
116db @ 16 watts
119db @ 32 watts
122db @ 64 watts and you start losing your hearing!
Follow the pattern.......
Every 10db doubles the perceived sound pressure/volume.
I spent many years with Hereseys then Cornwalls. My favorite amps were always Class A rated solid state amps by Threshold, Sumo, Pass Labs, Aragon and the sleeper of the bunch was Yamaha's M-80(there is a 60 and 45 also). The yamaha was an integrated too. I know there are a couple of Threshold 400A's floating around audiogon that will blow your mind, not your ears!