What's the best s.s. integrated for Khorns?

Hi: I am looking to start a new stereo rig,starting with new Klipschorns, so what do you recommend for a s.s.
integrated amp that would compliment these efficient(104db)
speakers? I like to listen at a loud level(85-90db),so maybe 100x2 minimum?. I was thinkin Sim Moon 1-7 integrated,
willing to go to 4k$ tops! No c.d. player as yet. What would you pick for an integrated? Thanks, Huck
104db @ 1watt
107db @ 2 watts
110db @ 4 watts
113db @ 8 watts
116db @ 16 watts
119db @ 32 watts
122db @ 64 watts and you start losing your hearing!
Follow the pattern.......
Every 10db doubles the perceived sound pressure/volume.
I spent many years with Hereseys then Cornwalls. My favorite amps were always Class A rated solid state amps by Threshold, Sumo, Pass Labs, Aragon and the sleeper of the bunch was Yamaha's M-80(there is a 60 and 45 also). The yamaha was an integrated too. I know there are a couple of Threshold 400A's floating around audiogon that will blow your mind, not your ears!
I would go with a tube amp, but if you want solid state, and I understand the desire to avoid tubes, then the 2 I've used succesfully with my Duos were a Naim Nait 5i (50 watts, $1500 new) and the Avantgarde model 5 (25W, $3,500 new). Both very musical with the Avantgarde having a bit more resolution. hmmmmmmmmmm both models have a 5. Coincidence? I think not!!!!
110db @ 4 watts
113db @ 8 watts
116db @ 16 watts
119db @ 32 watts
122db @ 64 watts and you start losing your hearing!
Follow the pattern.......
Every 10db doubles the perceived sound pressure/volume.

Jeez, do folks really listen to music at those levels? I thought ear damage starts to occur at over 100db? I suppose you are listening more than a meter away though, and you're talking about headroom here. But still, for me, I don't think with my musical preferences I'd every use those ceilings much.

I tried a class couple of class A ss amps with my LaScalas; a Bedini 25/25 and a Pass Aleph 5. Both were OK but, being used to listening with SET amps with the Scalas neither were anywhere near compelling enough to make me want to give them much of a chance. Neither threw a soundstage like the SET amps, and both grated on me overall. I found myself fatigued after listening for a few hours, more so on the Bedini than on the Aleph.

If you can get an integrated that has a tube pre and ss power amp, you have the best of both worlds. I do believe that 100w/8ohm would be plenty to drive them to extreme levels of sound. Paul Klipsch himself recommended using a good clean tube amp for his highly efficent speakers.