kr audio-help

Can anybody help with opinions regarding kr audio tube amplifiers. MY brother in -law found a set of monoblocks he is interested in and asked for some feedback. IM not really famaliar with the company or products and would appreciate any opinions regarding realiability, quality and sound. Thanks in advance for any help
All I know is that the brand comes from Chechoslovakia or something,Slavic brand .
Hello Reno. Yes, the Kr audio amplifiers are maufactured in the Czech Republic[formerly Czchoslovakia] as well as producing many hand made DTH tubes that will sub for the nos 300b,2a3,45,845 etc. The company was conceived by the late Dr. Kron and now run by his wife. Their amplifiers are very special indeed. I am perplexed as to why they are not recognized as such in the USA. Are the amplifiers in question the Antares employing the 300bxls or the 842? cheers david