CAT SL-1 Ultim. Mk2 vs Manley Steel. for CAT JL-2

Hi guys. Can someone tell me which pream would be more appropriate for CAT JL-2 Mk2 power amp? Manley Steelhead or CATs own SL-1 Ultimat Mk2 w/phono? Most important for me is to have the best possible result from Kuzma Stabi Reference turntable through CAT JL-2 Mk2 to Wilson W/P 7 speakers! Cables are Transparent Audio Reference MM.
So phono stage is very important. My budget for preamp is max.$7500.
Thank you.Regards.
Robertje, no I can not try both!
Cincy bob, your answer is very helpful.I must said that my decision tilt a little more for Steelhead but I can get CAT preamp for $1000 less.
It is tough decission!
Thank you.
Schorly: I totally agree with Cincy_Bob and since you seem to be only concerned with playback through the Kuzma, I would lean toward the Manley Steelhead. Depending on the cartridge, I would also suggest trying a MC cart through the MM section.

Disclaimer: I am a dealer for Manley, not CAT. I do have a lot of experience with both products.
Yes, Io signature with volume pots is good solution.
But I dont see the differece between Steelhead and Aesthetix Io sig. with volume pots which is the same package?! The both are phono stages with line stage (Manley) and another without it. If Steelhaed(line stage) lacking in gain and dynamics how can then Aesthetix Io which dont have line stage inside better Steelheads dynamics and gain?
Can you tell me the web of Aesthetix and one dealer with good prices which sell it, please.
Thank you.
Schorly, just for clarification, the Aestheitx Io inserts the volume control and single high level input in front of the last gain stage. The Io was designed by Jim White to directly drive an amp to full output. So, it has an active "line stage," but not on par with the dedicated full-function line stage of the Callisto. I don't know how the Steelhead is constructed in this regard, but I would suspect it's similar.
Would you tell us which version of the JL-3s you have and how you chose between them? There is "JL-3hc" (300 wpc/$10K retail) and JL-3 Signature (200wpc,$30K retail). I'm wondering if you are familiar with the performance differences between the two units, and what could justify the much higher price of the Signature version.

As I'm sure you know, there is no CAT website to refer to for product information.