CAT SL-1 Ultim. Mk2 vs Manley Steel. for CAT JL-2

Hi guys. Can someone tell me which pream would be more appropriate for CAT JL-2 Mk2 power amp? Manley Steelhead or CATs own SL-1 Ultimat Mk2 w/phono? Most important for me is to have the best possible result from Kuzma Stabi Reference turntable through CAT JL-2 Mk2 to Wilson W/P 7 speakers! Cables are Transparent Audio Reference MM.
So phono stage is very important. My budget for preamp is max.$7500.
Thank you.Regards.
I will be using Benz Micro Ebony LP mc cart or Koetsu Jade Platinum mc cartridge.I prefer Jade Platinum more because it is more lush and more rich in texture but have good speed,dinamics and transparency. If I can not get pure neutrality from my sistem(which I suppose never will...) then I am more for warm side instead of analitical!
I heard about Placette pre but for ASR Basis phono it would be the best to drive it via balanced input(TAS recomm.) or? And I need one Transp. Audio Reference MM interconnect more in this case!

Jtinn, yes I will use only Kuzma's turntable with his Airline tone arm,because he lives 90km from my house. It is good to have someone who build turntables so close if something happened.Have you heard Kuzma Stabi Refer. with Airline tonarm, yet? Whit which cartridge?
Schorly: I have heard the Kuzma Ref quite a few times and was always impressed. I heard it with the Dynavector XVS-1 which was a great match. I also heard it with a few other carts that I did not like as much. I have not heard it with either of the cartridges you mention, but my taste with the Kuzma would lean toward the Jade Platinum. I have never been a big fan of the Benz.
Interesting, Jtinn, I have heard Benz Micro Ebo. LP with Kuzma combo,Steelhead,Tenor 75Wi,Wilson W/P and Transparent cables and for my taste it was something I will never forgeth! Music,natural,neutral magic music.Beautiful.
I have heard Miyabi 47 MC cart with Kuzma Reference XL turntable(better than Stabi reference)Airline tonearm,Groove+ phono,CJ ART2 and CJ Premier 350 and Avalon Eidolon speakers,cables were Transparent Reference(XL)- but I was not satisfied with results. I dont know but I missed air, a lot of air like with Tenor amp, beautifull natural texture and organic feeling if you understande what I mean!
I suppose Jade Platinum would be much better.
Thank you for your opinion.
Brain and Jafox,

Thank you both for the clarifications.

Could either of you characterise the sonic differences, including any potential advantages or disadvantages, between a JL-2 and a regular JL-3? I've never seen a dealer that had both in stock for comparison! Apart from cost, would the choice between them be dictated primarily by the speaker load?

Jafox, When you purchased your amp, were you able to audition a standard JL-3 and compare it to the Signature version? If so, was there a specific performance feature that motivated you to spend the extra money?

Thanks to both of you for sharing your experiences with amps that are hard to research.
Oops. Brian of EssentialAudio, in my previous post, please excuse the entirely accidental misspelling of your name as "Brain". HA!