Which is the best SET integrated amp under $1500?

Hello, all. I wanted to purchase an integrated SET amp. My budget is under $1500, and I was wondering which company, or which model in particular would be a good one. My speakers are Axiom M80tis, with a 4 ohm impedance, and the SPL In Room 1w/1m is 95dB and the SPL Anechoic 1w/1m is 91dB. I listen to all types of music, and I prefer an amp that can give me the most "lifelike", natural, sound possible. There are so many companies to choose from, and so many different models that I am confused as to which one to get. Does anyone have any suggestions? Please feel free to go into as much detail as possible, because I really need to learn a lot, and I could use the advice. And also, do you know of any websites where I could learn more about the different types of amps there are out there--such as SETs, 300Bs, monoblocks, etc., etc.,? Any and all advice would be appreciated. Thanks to all who reply.
The Almarro A205A MkII integrsted is very high on my list of SET integrated amplifiers regardless of cost, even though it's really a single ended pentode EL-84 integrated. Still, it possesses the virtues of modern SET designs with great dynamics, that "you are there" holographic soundstage and imaging, and vacuum tube liquidity (not to be confused with bloat or warmth). For $800 for this little gem, you can invest in some really great NOS 12AX7 and EL84 tubes and upgrade the coupling capacitors to Teflon or Paper-In-Oil (PIO) caps like V-Caps or Jensens. Even after that, you'll still have money to buy LPs or CDs. For Hiro-San of Almarro to sell this amplifier at that price is an economic miracle. The build quality is superior and the benefits are out the roof.
I agree with Rhing,

The A205A is that rare beauty that defies both price and power rating. In many ways, on sheer performance alone, I would choose it over $2k-3k amps I've heard. It may look like a Datsun B210, but sounds like an Austin Martin.

It has a tonal purity that is really startling, instruments just sound perfect. And as Rhing points out, it has this spooky holographic presentation that is a hallmark of the best SET's. You just can't go wrong with that amp if speakers are sensitive enough.
I have an Antique Sound Labs MG-SI15DT integrated tube amp. It has a switch so that you can choose between 5 watts SET and 15 watts in pentode. It uses 2 KT-88's as power tubes. Has 3 imputs and a subwoofer out, and comes with a nice wooden remote control for volume. This amp has a great sound, does not get overly warm and should drive your speakers quite well. It priced out new at $1000.00.
Another thing you might like to try out is the sonic T super amp. I think you will be amazed at what this little digital amp can do for $139.00.